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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I am a dancer with Minneapolis based James Sewell Ballet, a small, contemporary ballet company. I also choreograph independently.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


I sit
The bare necessities
Are here
My hands
My feet
Adhering to the surfaces:
Kitchen tile, wood, carpet
My heart yearns
And stands to be alone

I breathe
No faking
But protecting

I do a dance in a circle
And remember
And forget
It is for all of us
On this other side of love

No longer clinging
To what has been
But to what is becoming
And becoming

I find myself
Even as I want to get lost
And again risk
Pain and my heart
That is fragile and ever-strong

I sing in the car
Notorious bad voice actually able
Alone in my protection

Is there left to learn

How to burn


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's always another side of love. Embrace what is becoming. It is life most people are living.

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More postings, please. Your audience, who doesn't get to hug you enough, wants to know what you're thinking. Waiting to see Klezmer.

8:26 PM  

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